Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Nationalism and The Creation of Italy

Nationalism is when people take pride in their country or nationality. Nationalism is everywhere and are expressed in different ways. What makes a nationalism is the people all speak a common language, similar culture, food, same currency and etc. I am nationalistic by speaking the common language which is English. You can also tell when someone is supporting their nation by how they dress. The food I eat can show my nationalistic.

Italy was created when nationalism destroyed the empires. Italy was then ruled by Austria. In 1832 a 26 yr kid called Guiesseppe Mazzini made a group called the young Italy. The group didnt allow people older than 40. Guisseppe tought that it was best for Italy to have a democracy and peace. The attack failed and Austria was still under control of Italy. In 1858 Napoleon decided to help drive Austria back and that was very successful. Italy then became a democracy nation.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Simon Bolivar and Latin American Revoultions

Simon Bolivar was an miltary leader and political leader. Born on july 24,1783 in Caracas, Venezuela. His parents died before he turned teen and his guardian knew he was a smart kid, so they put him in school. At the age of 19 he married a woman and a few years she died from yellow fever. During his depression of his wife deaf, he traveled to France and United States, which won their independence. Simon then returned to his country and decided that it was time for him to fight for his country and free them from Spain. He was not successful in the beginning of the fight for independence.

After he was captured, Simon escaped and fled to New Granada in Colombia where he regrouped and continue to fight for independence. In summer 1813 Simon led an force into Venezuela and was successful. Years later Simon escaped captured again and fled to New Granada, Colombia. Then Simon traveled to Haiti and made friends with them. Years later June 24,1821 Simon defeated the Spanish and declared the independence in Venezuela.

Simon started this revolution from all the ideas he got from France and American revolution. Even today we talked about him, the reason why he was so famous was because he fought for the independence of South America and freed the countries from Spain. He also help Ecuador, Colombia and Panama with their independence. Simon then became the dictator of Peru and after the victory against the Spaniards at Auacucho in 1824 upper Peru became its own state. They called the upper part of Peru Bolivia to honor Simon Bolivar.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Enlightenment and John Locke

The Enlightenment was a new way people came up with ideas. People like John Locke an english philosopher and an enlightenment thinker. His idea influenced people like Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Jefferson to write the declaration of independence. The declaration of independence is an example of an enlightenment, it's written by a group of enlightenment thinkers from America. It's about civil rights in America. This change the way people think in America, it also gave people the right to vote and every man was created equal.