Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Russian Revolution

The Russian Revolution started because the Russian people were tired of Czar. They didn't like the way Czar was running Russia. Especially the army, Czar put them into war with basically no food and the Germans was killing them because of the low technology the Russians had. This all started the Russian revolution. The Russian wanted a new government and decided they wanted communism. This revolution was led by the Bolshevik and Lenin was their leader. Once the Russian army quit the war against Germany because of lack in supplies and to many Russian was dying. The revolution began. On the March Walk Czar was forced to step down and quickly the Bolshevik took this as an advantage and took over Russia. Lenin promised them peace, land and bread. The communist party was more about sharing and having the government control everything. Russia then become a communist country

Monday, January 11, 2010

Cause of WWI

World War I was the the first big war. This war started with Imperialism, when countries were fighting over territory in Europe. This than cause the triple alliance and the triple Entente. The triple alliance included the Germany, Italy and Austria-Hungary. The triple entente included the France, Russia and England. They competed over territory. Militarism was the power each these nations had in military. Francis Ferdinand and his wife visited Sarajevo on June 28, 1914, it was their last visit to anywhere as they were shot by Serbians. Australia then made this assassination an excuse to start WWI. Nationalism then showed in the triple alliance and triple entente as they go on to war. Once Australia attack Serbia, Russia attacked Australia because Russia was in alliance with the Serbian. This then led other nations into this war causing it to be the 1st great war.