Friday, May 7, 2010

Mikhail Gorbachev and the Collapse of Communism

Mikhail Gorbachev was the president of Russia. He was age 54 when he was elected the president of Russia. He was very young when he got elected, therefore giving him a lot of knowledge on the politics and economy. He was a communist leader, but unlike the other communist leader. He wasn't as strict as the others. He was actually one of the reason why the collapse of communist happen. He also opened up communist letting everyone know that communist was bringing down the economy. He knew that the idea of communist was coming to an end and he didn't want it to be kept a secret. So he opened up the economy, this was called Glasnost. The Glasnost was suppose to help lessen the corruption in the Soviet Union. Basically the Glasnost was to open up the government secret, to let everyone know what was going on and etc. He also created the Peristrokia which was the resurrecting of the Soviet political and economic system. Both these ideas terribly failed and eventually resulted in the collapse of communism of the USSR. Once this happened communism around the world ended. Russia is still adjusting to its change of Capitalism.

The Collapse of Communism

Communism collapse all over the world once communist ended in Russia. This was a shock to everyone because people thought communist was building up. The people of Russia acutally didnt like the idea of communist and acutally overthrew their communist leaders, this started in a lot of communist countries. The Eastern Bloc formed by the Warsaw Pact began to reject communist and this was a huge impact on the communist countries. Once the Eastern Bloc overthrew the communist leaders, other countries began follow the lead and communist began falling from that point.
On New Year's Eve 1991 USSR finally collaspes and at the same time the Berlin Wall fell. People teared down the Berlin Wall because communist no longer needed to be separeted into two different system. Many countries became capitalism and democratic. The only countries that remained communist is North Korea and Cuba. Communist isnt as threatening as it use to be.