Friday, September 18, 2009

Copernicus and the trial of Galileo

The Scientific Revolution it was a theory and it separated into 2, Geocentric and the Heliocentric. The heliocentric theory was that the sun was the center of the universe and that it was stationary. Geocentric theory was that instead of the sun being the center, they thought the world was the center of the universe. Geocentric was the first theory to come out, but was it the right one? (will be answered in the end).

Now the Scientific Revolution was a study of geocentric and heliocentric. It was to prove which one is right. So the people decided to test it out. They found that heliocentric was just one of the planets orbiting the sun. Heliocentric was the right theory because the earth does not revolve around the sun. Geocentric was wrong because the sun does not revolve around earth.

Galileo challenged the theory of heliocentric, saying that the earth did not center the universe. The catholic church believed in heliocentric, Therefore Galileo was put in arrest because of what he believed in.

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