Thursday, December 10, 2009

Mountains Of The Moon

In the movie Mountains of the Moon the people faced many problems as the European went deeper into central Africa to find the source of the nile. Problems they faced while on their exploration were running into tribes, mosquito which carried malleria( there was no cure at that time), wild animals, and some of the Africians the European took with for their expidetion ran off with supplies for the exploration, so the people was short on supplies. Once they found the source of the Nile they name it Lake Victoria which is now the 3rd largest lake in the world. Why would they name a river that is in Africa after a Bristish Queen. The reason why was because the Africians didnt all come together and decided the name of the lake. The Bristish thought they discovered it which wasnt really true because their were tribes living by the Nile already. They Bristish councsil decided that the name of the nile should be named Lake Victoria. After the 2nd exploriation the European went back to Europe because they were running low on supplies and people were dying. After 2 yrs the European had more advanced weapons and they went back to Africa to conqueror central Africa. They easily conqueror central Africa because the Euorpean had machine guns and the Africians were still using spears and shield. Another reason why the Euorpean were successful in their defeat over the Africians was that they finally had a cure for malleria so no one was scared of gettin malleria

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