Friday, December 18, 2009

Opium Wars-Imperialism in China

The Opium Wars started when the British wanted to trade tea with the chinese people. The main reason why the Opium War started was because the British wanted the tea and  the chinese people refused to trade with them because they were very isolated. The Chinese people thought they were better then everyone else, so there was no need for the Chinese people to trade with the British. The British then started giving out free opium, opium was a drug that was given to the chinese people for free. Very soon the chinese people became very addicted to it. 
The British then stop giving out free opium to chinese people and said, we wont give you anymore opium until you guys trade us tea. The chinese government then said to the British, you guys cant come into china and give our people free opium. This led to the Opium war. The chinese fought over for the Opium and the British fought over the tea. Eventually the British won because of their more superior weapons. The chinese technology and weapons were not as good as British because China was a very isolated country, they kept everything to themselves and thought they were more superior than the others. This isolation caused China in a lack of technology and weapons. 

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Mountains Of The Moon

In the movie Mountains of the Moon the people faced many problems as the European went deeper into central Africa to find the source of the nile. Problems they faced while on their exploration were running into tribes, mosquito which carried malleria( there was no cure at that time), wild animals, and some of the Africians the European took with for their expidetion ran off with supplies for the exploration, so the people was short on supplies. Once they found the source of the Nile they name it Lake Victoria which is now the 3rd largest lake in the world. Why would they name a river that is in Africa after a Bristish Queen. The reason why was because the Africians didnt all come together and decided the name of the lake. The Bristish thought they discovered it which wasnt really true because their were tribes living by the Nile already. They Bristish councsil decided that the name of the nile should be named Lake Victoria. After the 2nd exploriation the European went back to Europe because they were running low on supplies and people were dying. After 2 yrs the European had more advanced weapons and they went back to Africa to conqueror central Africa. They easily conqueror central Africa because the Euorpean had machine guns and the Africians were still using spears and shield. Another reason why the Euorpean were successful in their defeat over the Africians was that they finally had a cure for malleria so no one was scared of gettin malleria

Monday, December 7, 2009

Imperialism Project

We did the Imperialism Project to get a better understanding of where imperialism was around the world and which countries were imperialism and which ones were not. What I learned from the project was that British controlled many countries for their goods. From what I remember British controlled India, Canada, Eastern side of America and mostly all Africa. So British was pretty rich from all these resources they got from other countries. One outside information I wanted to share was that China wasn't controlled by British until British started giving them free drugs.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Karl Marx and Communism

Karl Marx was an German philosopher that created the idea of Communism. He didn't agree with the conditions of the workers in Europe. He thought that the workers had more powers over the landlords and they should unite in a world revolution for Communism. Communism is when the goverment controls everything and the people have no control over the government, those who went against communism were treated harshly. He wanted communism to take over the world because he wanted everyone to be controlled by the government and everyone to have equal amount of money paid and equal work hours. Marx saw the workers as the good guys and he saw the owners as the bad guys because he thinks that the workers have more power over the owners, number wise.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Karl Marx and The Industrial Revolution

Karl Marx born on May 5th, 1818 as a Jewish, German. Karl Marx created communism. He didn't like the idea of Industrial Revolution because he thought it wasn't fair for everyone. He didn't like the idea that one person would work less than some one else and they would be payed the same amount of money, sometimes the person that works less gets payed more. This led him to create communism which is still around in today's world. Karl Marx created communism because he thought everything should be equal. Communism is controlled by the government and everyone gets the same payment, same work hours and you are limited to what you buy. Although communism is not fair for the people, it is still around, but hopefully it will end soon.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Nationalism and The Creation of Italy

Nationalism is when people take pride in their country or nationality. Nationalism is everywhere and are expressed in different ways. What makes a nationalism is the people all speak a common language, similar culture, food, same currency and etc. I am nationalistic by speaking the common language which is English. You can also tell when someone is supporting their nation by how they dress. The food I eat can show my nationalistic.

Italy was created when nationalism destroyed the empires. Italy was then ruled by Austria. In 1832 a 26 yr kid called Guiesseppe Mazzini made a group called the young Italy. The group didnt allow people older than 40. Guisseppe tought that it was best for Italy to have a democracy and peace. The attack failed and Austria was still under control of Italy. In 1858 Napoleon decided to help drive Austria back and that was very successful. Italy then became a democracy nation.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Simon Bolivar and Latin American Revoultions

Simon Bolivar was an miltary leader and political leader. Born on july 24,1783 in Caracas, Venezuela. His parents died before he turned teen and his guardian knew he was a smart kid, so they put him in school. At the age of 19 he married a woman and a few years she died from yellow fever. During his depression of his wife deaf, he traveled to France and United States, which won their independence. Simon then returned to his country and decided that it was time for him to fight for his country and free them from Spain. He was not successful in the beginning of the fight for independence.

After he was captured, Simon escaped and fled to New Granada in Colombia where he regrouped and continue to fight for independence. In summer 1813 Simon led an force into Venezuela and was successful. Years later Simon escaped captured again and fled to New Granada, Colombia. Then Simon traveled to Haiti and made friends with them. Years later June 24,1821 Simon defeated the Spanish and declared the independence in Venezuela.

Simon started this revolution from all the ideas he got from France and American revolution. Even today we talked about him, the reason why he was so famous was because he fought for the independence of South America and freed the countries from Spain. He also help Ecuador, Colombia and Panama with their independence. Simon then became the dictator of Peru and after the victory against the Spaniards at Auacucho in 1824 upper Peru became its own state. They called the upper part of Peru Bolivia to honor Simon Bolivar.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Enlightenment and John Locke

The Enlightenment was a new way people came up with ideas. People like John Locke an english philosopher and an enlightenment thinker. His idea influenced people like Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Jefferson to write the declaration of independence. The declaration of independence is an example of an enlightenment, it's written by a group of enlightenment thinkers from America. It's about civil rights in America. This change the way people think in America, it also gave people the right to vote and every man was created equal. 

Friday, September 18, 2009

Copernicus and the trial of Galileo

The Scientific Revolution it was a theory and it separated into 2, Geocentric and the Heliocentric. The heliocentric theory was that the sun was the center of the universe and that it was stationary. Geocentric theory was that instead of the sun being the center, they thought the world was the center of the universe. Geocentric was the first theory to come out, but was it the right one? (will be answered in the end).

Now the Scientific Revolution was a study of geocentric and heliocentric. It was to prove which one is right. So the people decided to test it out. They found that heliocentric was just one of the planets orbiting the sun. Heliocentric was the right theory because the earth does not revolve around the sun. Geocentric was wrong because the sun does not revolve around earth.

Galileo challenged the theory of heliocentric, saying that the earth did not center the universe. The catholic church believed in heliocentric, Therefore Galileo was put in arrest because of what he believed in.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Scientific Revolution: The Scientific Method

The scientific method was just a new way of thinking. This challenged all the the other theory's such as creation and evolution. An example for this method was the Aristotle theory of falling object that everyone for 1500 yrs has believed that heavier object falls faster than lighter objects. Basically the method was just to challenge other theory's by experimenting over and over again until they can prove the theory is right or wrong. 

My personal thought of this method is more detailed than the other theory's and stuff. This method actually challenges and experiments the theory. This is also more believeable because its supports its answer with detailed information.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Evolution vs. Creation

the theory of evolution was that everyone was related like birds and fishes. i personally think that evolution happened overtime, people, animals and another other living things evolved overtime.

creation has many theory's behind it, but the most importent one is for its religious belief. i think that this theory is true, but it has some twist behind it that doesnt really support this theory. when it comes to creation i think of a adam and eve, the first 2 living things.

my opinion on this is that evolution makes more sense,but then there isnt enough information to support this theory and there's also false information. creation can be true, but it also doesnt have enough information to support its theory, so its hard to say