Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Treaty of Versailles (ended WW I)

The Treaty of Versailles was a treaty made up by the French and the English. This treaty ended WWI, Germany went to Versailles, France and had to sign it as a loss of defeat. This treaty was totally unfair, it basically blamed Germans for everything. The treaty said the Germans caused WWI, the Germans was responsible for all the lives lost and the German was responsible for the expenses of the war. The Treaty of Versailles as you can see was a totally unfair treaty, but the Germans couldn't do anything about it because they lost the war. After WWI the Germans went through a depression and many people didn't have or lost their jobs. WWI also impacted the Americans because the Germans borrowed some money from the Americans and that led to a American depression.
In 1923 a guy called Adolf Hitler tried to overthrow the government and was sent to prison. During prison he wrote a book and that book was basically about the Germans losing the war because of the weak government Germany had. Hitler then promised he was get the people out of the depression and people believed him. They wanted a strong leader. In January 1933 Hitler and his party the Nazi took over Germany. Hitler blamed the Jews for everything, he then became a dictator. Eventually this led to WWII and historians say that it was the Treaty of Versailles that led to WWII, i agree with this because the treaty took an huge impact on Germany and that's when they needed a leader to guide them through it. That's when Hitler came in and it led to WWII

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