Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Film Lesson: "Night and Fog"

The movie Night and Fog was made 10 years after WWII ended and the camp of Auschwitz was closed . This movie was about a guy that did a documentation of the death camp in Auschwitz. The movie was about footages that the Nazi took and the footages showed the stuff the nazi would do to the Jewish. When I saw this movie, my reaction was just speechless because if you saw what they did to the Jews was just total annihilation of a race. They killed the Jews with almost everything you can think of like gas chambers, guns, and etc. The Nazi would also put the Jews on work and sometimes make the Jews dig their own graves.
Night and Fog and Schindlers list shared same scenes like what they did to the Jews and how it all started. The difference between these two movies was that Night and Fog was a documentation of what happen in the holocaust and Schindler's list was a Hollywood version of the holocaust. I think the movie Night and Fog explains the holocaust better because the movie had real footages from the deathcamps. They also show all the details of what they did to the Jews

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