Thursday, March 25, 2010

Film Lesson: "Schindler's List"

The movie Schindler's list was the Hollywood version of the holocaust. The movie was about a guy called Schindler who was in the Nazi party and he was a good guy. The Jewish people that worked for Schindler was basically safe from being killed. The movie showed the steps of what they did to the Jewish until Hilter final solution. The Nazi first started moving the Jews to the Ghetto which was a small town with about 10 Jews living in a small space. It was very brutal because they would make the Jews work and if the Nazi soldiers saw lack in the Jews, they would kill them. They later found out that they didn't like the Ghetto idea, so they move them to labor camp where the Jews would work all day and those who showed weakness was killed. Hilter then came up with the idea The Final Solution, it was basically the end of the war and Hilter just wanted to kill all the Jews and those who was on Schindler's list was safe. That was just a brief summary of what the movie was about.
The most brutal part of the money was probably the labor camp because they would killed the unhealthy Jews and also separate the kids from the parents. In the labor camp the Nazi would make them burn the dead body of the Jews to leave no evidence of what happen to the dead bodies. The image that would probably never leave my head is probably the places the Jews hid at. I think Night and Fog had more of a powerful movie because it showed real footages from the death camps.

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