Monday, April 12, 2010

NATO and The Warsaw Pact

The NATO was formed during the Cold War. The NATO was an organization between Europe and North America. They were against the communist. The NATO were formed by The Americans, Canada and some countries from Europe. This alliance system was formed because Americans was afraid that the spread of communist would spread. Another reason why alliance system was formed to protect each other if one of the countries were attacked by communist. Their objective was to prevent the spread of communist. This NATO organization led to the war of the Vietnam which the Americans lost and it later became a communist countries. There was also another war called the Korean War, the objective of this war was to keep the communist away from South Korea. Eventually America won this war.
The Warsaw Pact later formed. This was also an alliance system. This organization was formed by the communist countries with the exception of China, Russia, Poland and Chezkalyva.. The Warsaw Pact objective was to spread communist. They formed the Warsaw Pact because they took the NATO as a threat to their objective.

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