Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Film Lesson: "The Right Stuff"

The movie The Right Stuff talks about the Cold War. This was when the Russian and Americans were competing over the bragging rights of space. At first the Russians were in the lead and the Americans was embarrassed that the Russians were in the league, so the Americans put a lot of money into the space program. This space program was called NASA. In the movie The Right Stuff it showed the Americans searching for 7 people that they would send to space. These 7 people had to be very fit and educated. Eventually the 7 people also got mad because the Russians sent their 1st man into space. The Americans felt like they were behind. The scenes that would help me remember about the cold war would have to be the newspaper because in the movie the newspaper would keep everyone updated on whats happening. Another scene would have to be the different rockets the Americans test out because it showed how the Americans were falling behind the Russians.
Although in the movie The Right Stuff showed the Russians winning the competition of space. The Americans eventually won the competition by going to the moon. Americans were the first country to ever go to the moon.

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