Wednesday, April 28, 2010

African Independence

During the times between 1955 and 1975, Africa countries has progressed greatly. The Europeans mainly controlled Africa for their natural resources. During the 20 years many countries in Africa started a revolution against the Europeans. The Europeans were also very racist back then they thought they were better then the Africans. The Africans then grew tired of being under the country of the Europeans and started fighting back to the Europeans. The Europeans thought that they were actually helping the Africans by civilizing them. The Europeans also named a country of Africa after Cecil Rhodes called Rhodesia. This was before the African fought against the Europeans for their freedom. Eventually the African won their freedom from the Europeans and that country is now called Zimbabwe.
There was many Africans leads that brought the countries of Africa freedom. Jomo Kenyatta was one of them. Jomo Kenyatta was an African from Kenya, he was a very educated kid. He lived in Europe for his school years. During his years in Europe he fought for the freedom of Africans. He then returned to Kenya and was arrested shortly. He spent 7 years in prison and right when he got out, he was elected president of Kenya. Shortly after Kenyatta was elected president, he led his country to a revolution and eventually won the revolution and Kenya gained their independence from the Europeans. By the year of 1994 many countries of Africa won their independence from Africa.

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